Dr. Andreas Meili
Areas of activity
- Media law (online, TV, radio, mobile, print)
- Telecommunications law
- Advertising law
- Company law, M&A
- Contract law
- Intellectual property rights
- IT law
- German, English, French
- University of Zurich (1999 – 2001, Executive Management Program)
- Harvard Law School (1995, scientific project in media law)
- Bar exam (1991, admission to all Swiss courts)
- University of Zurich (1990, Phd in Law/Dr.iur.)
- University of Zurich (1989, Master in Law)
Professional experience
- Lecturer at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) for media law
- Lecturer at the Media Education Center/MAZ in Lucerne
- Lecturer at the Zurich University of the Arts/Centre of Cultural Law (ZHdK/ZKR)
- Founding partner of Meili l Pfortmüller
- Tamedia AG (2002 – 2007, Director of Electronic Media, member of the Executive Board)
- Tamedia AG (1996 – 2002, Director of Legal Affairs)
- Nobel & Hug (1991 – 1996, Associate)
- Board member of Mediapulse (Swiss Research Foundation in the sector of electronic media)
- Board of Directors of various companies – both in the media and other sectors
- Executive MBA Alumni, University of Zurich
- Board of the Swiss Forum for Communications Law (SF)
- Association of German Publishing Lawyers (AVJ)
- Swiss Lawyers Association (SAV)
- Zurich Lawyers Association (ZAV)
Most notable publications and speeches
- Basler Kommentar zum Persönlichkeitsschutz, Art. 28 ZGB (7. Aufl., 2022)
- Dokumentarfilm zum Fall Quadroni war programmrechtlich in Ordnung, medialex 01/2022
- Das Gebot der öffentlichen Urteilsverkündung gilt auch für rechtskräftig erledigte Verfahren, medialex 08/2021
- Beschwerde wegen fehlenden gültigen Strafantrages gutgeheissen, medialex 04/2021
- «Entschuldigung» als klagbarer Anspruch? medialex 02/2019
- Medien im Spannungsfeld zwischen Justizöffentlichkeit und Persönlichkeitsschutz, medialex 11/2016
- Medienrechtliche und medienethische Schranken für Online-Leserkommentare, medialex 11/2015
- Freiheit zwischen Gucklöchern und Scheinwerfern. Persönlichkeitsschutz im digitalen Zeitalter, »NZZ 4. August 2015
- Medialaw/Mediamarket, culture law/culture market Andrea F. G. Raschèr/Mischa Senn (publisher); Dickeverlag AG Zürich/St. Gallen (2012)
- Genuine and bogus reasons for special regulation of the broadcast media: The way to a new federal law on radio and television, ZSR 2006 I 263 et seq.
- Das schweizer Mediensystem im Wandel – Herausforderungen, Chancen, Zukunftsperspektiven, 22 Jahre Privatrundfunk in der Schweiz – eine Zwischenbilanz aus operativer Sicht, Matthias Künzler (Hrsgr.), Bern, 2005
- Strategies for success in e-shopping (2001)
- The law for the protection of secrets (Art. 293 StGB) in the light of new court practice, medialex 2000, 135 et seq.
- The position of economic journalism in the conflict between freedom of speech and competition law, medialex 1998, 76 et seq.
- Economic journalism as a comparative area of law (1996)
- Unfair competition and the media: A plea for a media-friendly implementation of UWG,
- NZZ 17th/18th July 1993, 19 (with Dr. Peter Nobel)
- Accreditation of journalists in public law at national and cantonal level (1990, Phd thesis)
- Periodical reports on specific subject areas